Enhancing Soil & Crop
Sustainability in New Brunswick


46th Annual NBSCIA AGM

Farming for the Future: Using precision tools and technology to build resilience
March 13th & 14th, 2025
at the Rodd Miramichi River Hotel

Join NBSCIA for our 46th Annnual General Meeting and Technical Workshop, taking place March 13th -14th at the Rodd Miramichi Hotel in Miramichi, NB. Farmer oriented workshops and presentations will highlight key best management practices to support better nutrient management, the incorporation of cover crops and the use of rotational grazing to promote resilience and sustainability in agriculture. In this year's theme, "Farming for the Future: Using precision tools and technology to build resilience", we will hear from speakers on how producers can plan and adapt their on-farm practices to keep their farm sustainable for years to come.

Renowned experts in soil science, precision agriculture, cybersecurity, and agronomy, from New Brunswick and accross Canada will join us to speak on research and technologies developed to promote the adoption of these best management practices on farm. Some familiar names include, Dr. David Burton of Dalhousie University, Dr. Andrew Mackenzie-Gopsill of AAFC, Marie-Pier Beaulieu of CFGA, and Steve Watts of Genesis Crop Systems. Stay tuned for more highlights on our speakers as the event approaches.

NBSCIA's Farm of the Year Banquet will be held the evening of March 13th at 7pm to celebrate the accomplishments and efforts of New Brunswick farmers. With 6 local nominees from around the province, we have lots to celebrate about their innovative practices.

To book hotel rooms, please visit https://reservations.travelclick.com/85525?groupID=4587037 for our group rate rooms, or call the Rodd directly at (506) 773-3111. Group rates of $149/night will be held until February 14th, 2025.

Technical Workshop Speakers

Steve Watts, Founder, Genesis Crop Systems: Advanced Nitrogen Management Strategies for Atlantic Canada Cropping Systems

Steve started his own independent agronomy and research company – Genesis Crop Systems Inc in 2012 after more than twenty years working in government potato research & extension, farm management, variety development and ag chem sales.

Since then, Genesis has evolved to become one of few independent research providers for companies that want to have their products evaluated under field conditions in Atlantic Canada. Steve has collaborated with many research partners including PEI Potato Board, PEI Dept of Agriculture, Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture, AAFC Living Labs program and numerous others, with a strong focus on improving Nitrogen fertilizer management including impacts on crop profitability and overall environmental effects in the potato crop.

David Shipley, Beauceron Security: Protecting Farms from Digital Bandits: A Chat About Cybersecurity in Agriculture

David Shipley is an award-winning entrepreneur and a recognized global expert in cybersecurity, regularly speaking at public and private events around the world. He frequently appears in media to address cybersecurity stories and topics. David has been asked repeatedly by Canada’s federal government to testify on issues related to cybersecurity and national security.
In 2016, David co-founded Beauceron Security with an innovative approach to cybersecurity awareness and risk management which empowers everyone within an organization to know and care more, about their key role in protecting against cyber-attacks. Beauceron Security now serves more than 1000+ clients across the world. More than a million people have benefited from Beauceron’s work to date. David continues to lead the company as CEO. David is a former journalist and a Canadian Forces veteran.

Dr. Agustin Olivo, University of Guelph: Nitrogen Management for Whole Farm Sustainability: Local and National Efforts

Agustin Olivo is a postdoctoral scholar in the Wagner-Riddle lab, and his work focuses on analyzing the impact of beneficial agricultural management practices on greenhouse gas emissions from crop fields, primarily simulating carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes using the DeNitification-DeComposition (DNDC) model. Also, studying the impact of whole-farm alternative management strategies for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian dairy systems.

Agustin holds a bachelor’s degree from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, a master’s degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, and PhD from Cornell University, USA.

Matt Ramsay, PEI Federation of Agriculture: Data-based Landscape Mapping and Modelling

Matt Ramsay co-manages 1500 acres of potatoes, cereals, and forages with his two brothers and fathers. As a certified crop advisor and nutrient management planner, Matt specializes in nutrient and soil management and has 5 years of organic production experience with certified organic hemp, peas, cereals, and table potatoes. As a contracted consultant, Matt maintains a management and ownership role in the farm, overseeing a transition to a regenerative system which includes cover cropping, increased rotation length, increased perennials, agro-forestry, and future plans for intensive grazing. Matt's research interests center around soil carbon management, ecological goods and services provision, reduced input agriculture, and the data structures required to differentiate sustainable island farms in a global market.

Cedric MacLeod, Living Labs NB: Assessing Dairy Sector GHG Profiles and Mitigating Options in the Maritimes

Born and raised in Carleton County, Cedric MacLeod developed an early love for agriculture with encouragement from family and pouring concrete with his father on farms throughout the Saint John River Valley.  A desire to support soil health and conservation opportunities in the New Brunswick potato belt led Cedric towards the completion of a Bachelor of Science from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and a Masters Degree from the University of Manitoba, Department of Soil Science.

Early career experience immersed Cedric in the agricultural greenhouse gas management field where he has led or contributed to the development of numerous Canadian and international GHG quantification protocols in the livestock and cropping sectors.

With 20-years of experience in GHG management, Cedric was asked to lead the development of New Brunswick’s 5-year Living Lab project which will reach across New Brunswick with research and extension efforts to support growers in adopting Climate Smart management practices and enhance biodiversity on their operations.

Cedric operates a grass-fed beef and annual crop production operation in Centreville, New Brunswick with his wife Alanda, son Kalen and support from parents, siblings, nieces and nephews.

Marie-Pier Beaulieu, CFGA: Feedlot or pasture, money talk!

Passionate about agriculture and looking for sustainable solutions, she has been exploring and taming the use of pasture land for over 15 years. On the family business acquired in 2007, herds of exotic cattle and sheep graze from May to December. By combining the resilience of grassland and livestock, she has built a strong, innovative and accessible business model. Involved in the cattle industry, including through the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, she supports producers of Canada to adopt advanced grazing strategies.

Hugh Lyu, Blueberry Specialist, Perennia: Guiding Timely Wild Blueberry Field Management Activities Using Growing Degree Days

Hugh has a B.Sc. in Horticulture (2012) from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU), China. He came to Nova Scotia in 2012 and got his B.Sc. in Plant Science from Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture (DAL-AC) in 2015. Hugh is in the process of completing his M.Sc. program at DAL-AC under the guidance of Dr. Scott White. Hugh’s graduate research focuses on vegetation management in Nova Scotia wild blueberry fields. He conducted two projects from 2017-2019, including a weed survey of Nova Scotia wild blueberry fields and development of management strategies for Spreading Dogbane. Hugh received the Graduate Research Training Initiative scholarship under the Canada-Nova Scotia Growing Forward 2 Program in 2017, and he was the recipient for the Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia Graduate Research Award in 2018 and 2019.

Hugh has been working in Nova Scotia wild blueberry research since 2014. He worked for the Wild Blueberry Research Program and Vegetation Management Research program at DAL-AC, covering all areas of pest management, including disease control and vegetation management.

Melissa Duncan, Fruit and Vegetable Digital Specialist, Bayer Crop Science: Add Value to Your Farm with Digital Tools

Melissa comes from a 150 acre dairy farm in Ormstown, Quebec, and holds a diploma in Farm Management & Technology and a B.Sc. in Agro-Environmental Science from Macdonald Campus at McGill University. She is a certified agronomist with Ordre des Agronomes du Québec and worked at an ag retail recommending crop inputs before becoming a digital specialist at Bayer CropScience. During her time at Bayer, she has worked to bring digital solutions to cash crop and potato farmers across Eastern Canada. She also volunteers on the cattle and 4-H committee of her local fair board.

Dr. Andrew McKenzie-Gopsill, Research Scientist, AAFC Charlottown: Cover Cropping in Atlantic Canada

Andrew obtained his Ph.D. in weed science from the University of Guelph and accepted his current position in 2016 with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Andrew’s work focusing on the development of novel weed management tactics, the use and integration of cover crops for weed management, and weed ecology of cropping systems in Atlantic Canada. Andrew regularly provides presentations at producer and industry events and field days and has authored or co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed manuscripts on cover crops, weed biology, weed ecology, and ecological weed management.

Joseph Graham, NBSCIA: Agricultural Drones in 2025

Charlotte Flores, AITC-NB & Tamara Sealy, Nutrients for Life: Ag Education in NB Classrooms

Andrew Sytsma, NBSCIA: NBSCIA Research Project Updates

Jason Wells, Crop Development Specialist - Livestock Feed, NBDAAF: 2024 Year in Review - Crop Projects

Cora Hornbrook, NBDAAF: RALP Program Recap & Update

Amy McFadgen, Climate Change Specialist, NBDAAF: NBDAAF Climate Change Strategy Update 

Ray Carmichael, NBSCIA General Manager: NBSCIA OFCAF - Past and Future

AGM Photo for website

Register Here

To register your ticket on Event Brite prior to the event is free. Payment for the registration will be collected at the registration desk on March 13th and 14th when you pick up your name tag. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, debit card or credit card.

The ticket costs are as follows: 

1-day NBSCIA Member Admission $82.00

1-day Non-Member Admission $115.00

2-day NBSCIA Member Admission $115.00

2-day Non-Member Admission $184.00

Farm of the Year Banquet $55.00

AGM 2024