Amélioration de la durabilité
des sols et des cultures au

45ème Assemblée générale annuelle et atelier technique de l’AASCNB

"Résilience agricole: Gestion éclairée par les données" 

le 14-15 mars à le Fredericton Inn, Fredericton, NB

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Une bande-annonce des présentations

Thursday, March 14 FR
Friday, March 15 FR

Ateliers de la Laboratoire vivant de Nouveau Brunswick

Living Lab - Digital Agriculture for NB: Opportunities Exploration Workshop

mardi, le 12 mars 8h00 - 17h00

Hands-on event exploring cutting edge remote sensing technology in agriculture

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Green House Gas Mitigation for New Brunswick Agriculture

Agronomy Training Workshop

mecredi, le 13 mars 8h30-17h30

Join us for a greenhouse gas training workshop, geared toward industry professionals, featuring the latest research from leading experts on advanced carbon and nitrogen management practices, how NBLL research relates to other provincial and federal climate smart programming, and the role of the agronomy community in reducing barriers to BMP adoption. This event will offer CCA credits.

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