46th Annual NBSCIA AGM
March 13 - March 14
Farming for the future : using precision tools and technology to build resilience
Join NBSCIA for our 46th Annnual General Meeting and Technical Workshop, taking place March 13th -14th at the Rodd Miramichi Hotel in Miramichi, NB. Farmer oriented workshops and presentations will highlight key best management practices to support better nutrient management, the incorporation of cover crops and the use of rotational grazing to promote resilience and sustainability in agriculture. In this year’s theme, “Farming for the Future: Using precision tools and technology to build resilience”, we will hear from speakers on how producers can plan and adapt their on-farm practices to keep their farm sustainable for years to come.
Renowned experts in soil science, precision agriculture, cybersecurity, and agronomy, from New Brunswick and accross Canada will join us to speak on research and technologies developed to promote the adoption of these best management practices on farm. Some familiar names include, Dr. David Burton of Dalhousie University, Dr. Andrew Mackenzie-Gopsill of AAFC, Marie-Pier Beaulieu of CFGA, and Steve Watts of Genesis Crop Systems. Stay tuned for more highlights on our speakers as the event approaches.
NBSCIA’s Farm of the Year Banquet will be held the evening of March 13th at 7pm to celebrate the accomplishments and efforts of New Brunswick farmers. With 6 local nominees from around the province, we have lots to celebrate about their innovative practices.
To book hotel rooms, please visit https://reservations.travelclick.com/85525?groupID=4587037 for our group rate rooms, or call the Rodd directly at (506) 773-3111. Group rates of $149/night will be held until February 13th, 2025.
Register online using the website link below.
Registration costs to be paid at the door
1 day NBSCIA member $82.00
1 day non-member $115.00
2 day NBSCIA member $115.00
2 day non member $184.00
Banquet (March 13th) $55.00